Club Rules
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Shore Comp's
Boat Comp's
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Baskerville Cup
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Bash World


| Shore Rules | Club Rules | Boat Rules |

Fishing Race Rules

1.    This shore competition runs over the full year 1st January to 31st December the same year.

2.   All club shore fixtures count where points are awarded.

3.   The competition Secretary shall keep a record of species recorded at the weight-ins.

4.   The angler with the most species over the full year 1st January to 31st December the same year will be the winner.

5.   50p will be held back from each entry over the year and paid out to will winner

6.   A running total of winnings will be kept by the competition. secretary and presented at the Christmas festive board along with any Cups or trophies for league winners.

7.   The competition secretaries decision is final.