Club Rules
Club Records
Club Sizes
Shore Comp's
Boat Comp's
Open/Family Comp's
Fishing Race
League Tables
Social Events


| Shore Rules | Boat Rules | Fish Race Rules |

The following rules are for 2018 and subsequent years and supersede all earlier rules.

Objects of the Club

1.      The club is to be called "Ventnor Angling and Social Club" with the headquarters at "The Clubhouse, Wheelers Bay, Ventnor, Isle of Wight".


2.      The objects of the club are:

To obtain Sea Angling facilities in the district

To promote the advancement of the art of angling generally

3.      The officers of the club shall consist of: President. Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Boat Competitions Secretary, Shore Competitions Secretary, Secretary and Publicity Officer.

4.      The affairs of the club will be managed by a committee of eight angling or more / social members plus officers. Four to form a quorum. Such committee shall meet at the club's H.Q. generally or any other venue when necessary. Committee members shall be called upon to account for non-attendance if they fail to attend three consecutive committee meetings.

5.      The Chairman shall have the power of a casting vote.

6.      The officers and committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The President, Assistant Secretary, junior rep and Publicity Officer shall be elected annually. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer Honorary Secretary, Boat Competition Secretary and Shore Competition Secretary shall be elected for a period of three years. Life membership shall be awarded to members who shall be adjudged to have given outstanding service to the club. Such members shall have the power to vote.

7.      The committee shall have the power to co-opt a new committee member to fill any vacancy arising during the year.

8.      The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than 31st January.

9.      No existing rule shall be repealed or altered and no new rule shall be made except at the A.G.M. and then only if due notice, in writing, signed and seconded, has been given to the Hon. Secretary at least twenty-eight days prior to the meeting. A copy of all proposals and amendments to be sent to all members together with the agenda at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.

10.   An extra-ordinary General Meeting may be called by a requisition to the Hon. Secretary signed by 20% of the senior membership at the time of application. No other business shall be transacted at that meeting other than that for which the meeting has been called. The members to receive fourteen days notice with the agenda at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.

11.   An annual subscription shall be payable by each member on election and thereafter on the 1st February each year. The junior members shall only be asked to pay a proportion of the senior subscription. No member shall be entitled to take part in any competition or weigh-in any fish until after his subscription has been paid. Visitors may fish competitions as associate members.

12.   Proposals for ordinary membership must be sent to the Hon. Secretary and the power of election or rejection shall rest with the committee. Proposals for junior membership must be submitted on the official form provided and duly signed by their parent or guardian. Juniors of any age can join the club. However, any junior under 12 years’ old fishing a club competition must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. All Senior members must have attained the age of 16 years

13.   In the event of any member committing any act contrary to the rules of the club the same shall be referred to the committee to be dealt with.

14.   If anything arises which is not provided for by these rules or any competition rules, the matter shall be laid before the committee who shall have the power to deal with same and their decision shall be final.

15.   The committee shall have the powers to dispense with subscriptions in the case of any member rendering special services to the club, also to make or cancel such competition rules as may come from time to time be found necessary for the proper working of the club.